Privacy Policy

    Fill in the form below and we will contact you

    VERSION: TSSIG4PP.V1.0122 – EFFECTIVE: 01/01/2022

    This website is managed by SIGMA4 SOLUÇÕES LTDA., headquartered at 86, João Lírio dos Santos St, Belo Horizonte, MG, 31510-400, Brazil registered with the CNPJ (MF) under number 28.909.756/0001 -77, holder of the rights to the tool warehouse system called TOOLSORT, henceforth identified by its trade name “SIGMA4”.

    SIGMA4 recognizes the importance of protecting the personal data of visitors to our website, whatever their nature, and we are committed to doing so. The main objective of SIGMA4 is that people feel safe when visiting our website and/or using our services. For this reason, we have developed a set of security measures aimed at protecting your data.

    THE PRIVACY POLICY AND TERMS OF USE apply to all users who access and visit our website and to all direct and/or indirect collaborators of SIGMA4, including consultants and/or temporary collaborators, who are involved in capturing, processing, and using of customer information.

    SIGMA4 collects and uses some personal data belonging to users who use our website, and acts as controller of this data in accordance with federal legislation and international standards of information security.

    We recommend that you carefully read our PRIVACY POLICY.


    This PRIVACY POLICY and TERMS OF USE explains what we will do with your personal information and aims to clarify to all interested parties about the types of data we collect, the reasons for collection and how users of this website can access, update or delete their personal information.

    These terms have been drawn up in accordance with the GENERAL PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION LAW (LGPD) – LAW 13.709/2018, the CIVIL FRAMEWORK OF THE INTERNET – LAW 12.965/2014 and REGULATION (EU) No. 2016/679.


    Our website should only be used by people over 18 (eighteen) years of age.


    Our website collects and uses some personal data from visitors and users, including:


    3.1.1. We collect the following personal data that users provide to us when using the website:

    • Full name;
    • E-mail address;
    • Landline and mobile phone numbers;
    • Name of the company you work for;
    • Position you hold in the company you work for;
    • City/State of domicile;
    • contact messages.

    3.1.2. The collection of this data takes place at the following times:

    • When the user uses the forms “Request for Contact” or “Scheduling of Presentation”;
    • When the user contacts you through messaging apps, chats, phone calls, video calls or other means;
    • When the user requests a quote or contracting a service;
    • When the user schedules a demo of our products and/or services.

    3.1.3. The data provided by our users is collected for the following purposes:

    • To quote or hire our services;
    • So that our customer service can contact the customer;
    • To send informational materials and technical content;
    • To communicate offers, advertisements and promotions;
    • So that our employees can get in touch via email, telephone, chat and text messages to carry out research and/or present products and services;
    • To send invoices and payment reminders;
    • To send messages relating to support or services, such as alerts, notifications and updates;
    • To send reminders and notifications for meetings and events;
    • For any and all purposes that the user authorizes us at the time of data collection;
    • To comply with our legal, regulatory and tax obligations.

    3.1.4. The data collected by our website are provided by its visitors and users always spontaneously, with prior clarification of the purposes for which they are intended and are only transmitted to our company after the respective informants authorize their use by SIGAM4. If this authorization does not occur, the typed data will not be transmitted and automatically deleted.


    When the user visits our website, a ‘cookie’ is inserted in his browser through the Google Analytics software, to identify how many times he visited our electronic address, how long he stayed on our website, since which city he accessed us and which pages he read and recommended, among others.

    3.2.1. We collect the following personal data through cookies and other forms that users generate and/or provide to us when using our website:

    • IP address;
    • Geolocation and geographic location data;
    • Keywords and search terms;
    • Reference source, browser type and version;
    • Visited pages, duration of each visit and history of visits;
    • Contextual data based on the browsing experience, such as the most frequent dates and times of access, counting of clicks on links and buttons, number of material downloads, newsletter openings, among others.

    3.2.2. The collection of this data takes place at the following times:

    • When the user visits one of our pages;
    • When you read and/or comment on one of our publications and posts;
    • When you watch one of our videos online;
    • When the user uses messaging or chat applications;
    • When the user contacts you by email, phone or form;
    • When the user registers to receive newsletters, videos, spreadsheets, e-books, texts, infographics or any other content and materials;
    • When the user clicks on links, buttons, ads, images and videos;
    • When the user participates in online polls and surveys;
    • When the user resubmits or shares our pages and content;
    • When the user requests a quote or contracting a service;
    • When you perform any type of interaction with our website.

    3.2.3. The data generated and/or provided by users is collected for the following purposes:

    • To ensure the security of the website;
    • To detect unusual behavior and security breaches;
    • To track where possible invasion attempts come from;
    • In order to comply with the legal determination of the storage of access records, pursuant to the provisions of art. 15 of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet;
    • To generate visitation and interaction statistics with our website;
    • To develop new features on our website;
    • To optimize and improve the navigation, usability and layout of the website;
    • To understand how users use our website and help with research for new solutions, courses, content, products and services;
    • To carry out advertisements and communication aimed at the tastes and interests of users;
    • To personalize the user experience when visiting our website;
    • For any and all purposes that the user authorizes us at the time of data collection;
    • To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.


    We do not collect sensitive data from our users, as defined in articles 11 and following of the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data. We do not request information or collect data about health, political orientation, religious, ideological, or philosophical beliefs, ethnic or racial origin, sexual orientation, union membership, genetic or biometric data.


    This website does not collect data from children and adolescents.

    3.5. COOKIES

    Cookies are small text files that are automatically downloaded to your device when you access and browse a website. They serve, so that it is possible to identify devices, activities and preferences of users.

    Cookies do not allow any file or information to be extracted from the hard drive of the user’s computer. It is not possible, through cookies, to have access to personal information that did not come from the user or the way in which he uses the resources and functionalities of the website.

    We remind you that the partial or complete deactivation of cookies may impair the user’s browsing experience, since the information used to customize it will no longer be used.


    Website cookies are those sent to the user’s computer or device, exclusively by the website. The information collected through these cookies is used to improve and personalize the user experience, and some cookies may, for example, be used to remember user preferences and choices, as well as to offer personalized content.


    Some of our partners may set cookies on the devices of users accessing our website. These cookies, in general, aim to enable our partners to offer their content and services to the user who accesses our website in a personalized way, by obtaining navigation data extracted from their interaction with the website.

    The user will be able to obtain more information about third-party cookies and how the data obtained from them is treated, in addition to having access to the description of the cookies used and their characteristics, by accessing the following links:


    The user may oppose the registration of cookies by the website, simply by deactivating this option in their own browser. More information on how to do this in some of the main browsers used today can be obtained from the following links:

    The user can also oppose the use of cookies through our own website. As soon as you enter the website for the first time, the user will have the option of blocking all cookies (except those that are essential for the website to function correctly) or of allowing their total or partial use, simply by selecting the corresponding option in the box dialog box (cookie warning) loaded automatically as soon as our page is accessed. In case of deactivating cookies, it is recommended that the user, after deactivating it on our website, also deactivate it in his Internet browser, to ensure that the registration of cookies has been deactivated.

    Disabling cookies, however, may affect the availability of some tools and features of the website, compromising its correct and expected functioning. Another possible consequence is the removal of user preferences that may have been saved, impairing your browsing experience.

    Disabling all cookies, however, will not be possible, as some of them are essential for the website to function correctly.


    4.1. Data collected through our website may be shared with the following companies, applications and/or tools:

    • We share some data with Google and other Analytics tools to perform analysis and generate reports;
    • We may share data with tools for building web pages, online forms and sending newsletters via email;
    • Partner companies or companies contracted to provide outsourced services such as marketing agencies, commercial representation, provision of technological services, management software, automation applications, audits and/or payment processors;
    • Competent judicial, administrative, or governmental authorities, whenever there is a legal determination, request, requisition or court order.

    4.2. This data is shared for the following reasons and for the following purposes:

    So that users can receive a browsing experience, offers of personalized products and services, according to their interests;

    • We may share data with partner companies that provide marketing, payment and data processing services or applications for the purposes of enabling payments, audits, research, studies, analysis, creating personalized content, advertising campaigns, automating tasks and/or improving the our service;
    • For commercial or technical assistance requested by the user;
    • For any and all purposes that the user authorizes us at the time of data collection.

    4.3. In addition to the situations reported here, it is possible that we share data with third parties to comply with any legal, technical or regulatory determination. In the case of Information to be shared in compliance with a request from a public authority, they will always be carried out by court order, as defined by law.

    In any case, the sharing of personal data will observe all applicable laws and rules, always seeking to guarantee the security of our users’ data, observing technical standards and good information security practices.

    By continuing to use this website, you authorize us to share your data.

    This website may operate in conjunction with other companies in a wide range of activities in conjunction with advertisers, sponsors, suppliers and commercial partners, online and offline, in addition to dissemination, publicity and performance analysis tools.

    We reserve the right to share your information, including location, registration and interest data, with our partners, advertisers, suppliers and service providers, whenever possible, anonymously, in order to preserve your privacy. By means of this document, you expressly authorize us such sharing.

    This website allows other companies and ad networks to advertise on our platform through different technologies. Therefore, you may eventually receive advertisements, content and links displayed in a personalized way, according to your interests and behavior on our platform, online social networks or other services with which you interact. To this end, data may be shared between us and these other companies, primarily unique identifiers, IP addresses, cookies and Java scripts, which may be used to measure the effectiveness of online advertising. Through this document, you expressly authorize us to share your data.

    We are not responsible for the actions, advertisements and content generated by our commercial partners and ad networks, and this Policy does not apply to them, as we do not control them.

    All your data, information and content can be considered active in the case of negotiations in which we are part. Therefore, we reserve the right to include your data among the company’s assets in case it is sold, acquired or merged with another company. Through this Policy you agree and are aware of this possibility.


    The personal data collected through the website are stored and used for the period necessary to achieve the purposes listed in this document and that consider the rights of their holders, the rights of the website controller and the applicable legal or regulatory provisions.

    The minimum storage time is 06 (six) months for behavioral data, according to Art. 15 of the Marco Civil da Internet and 05 (five) years after the end of the relationship with the user for registration data, according to Art. 27 of the Consumer Protection Code.

    Once the periods for storing personal data have expired, they may be removed from our databases or anonymized, except in cases where storage is possible and/or necessary due to legal or regulatory provisions.

    If requested by the User, the data may be erased before this deadline. However, it may happen that the data needs to be kept for a longer period, due to law, court order, fraud prevention (Art. 11, II, “a” of the General Data Protection Law “LGPD”, Law nº 13.709 /2018), credit protection (Art. 7, X, LGPD) and other legitimate interests, in accordance with Article 10 of the LGPD. After the deadline and legal necessity, they will be excluded using safe disposal methods, or used anonymously for statistical purposes.

    We emphasize that the data may continue to be stored if there is any legal or regulatory justification, even if the purpose for which the data was collected and/or processed has been exhausted.

    The data is stored continuously as long as the user has an active account on our website and/or continues to use, browse, interact, communicate and maintain some type of relationship or contact with us.

    Once the treatment and/or relationship with the user is completed, observing the provisions of this section, the data is erased or anonymized.


    We process the personal data of our users on the following legal grounds, which justify the processing of data:


    • With the consent of the holder of the personal data;
    • For compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by the controller;
    • For the regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings;
    • For the execution of a contract or preliminary procedures related to a contract to which the holder is a party, at the request of the holder of the personal data;
    • For credit protection.


    • By using this website, requesting services and/or providing personal information, the user is consenting to this PRIVACY POLICY;
    • Certain personal data processing operations carried out on our website will depend on the prior consent of the user, who must express it in a free, informed and unequivocal way;
    • The user, when visiting this website, contacting us, registering and/or interacting with us in any way, declares that he is aware of this policy and can exercise his rights to cancel his registration, update his personal data and guarantees the veracity the information made available by him;
    • The user may revoke his consent at any time and request the deletion of his data, and, if there is no legal hypothesis that allows or requires the storage of data, the data provided with consent will be deleted.


    Some personal data processing operations, especially data storage, will be carried out so that we can comply with obligations provided for by law or in other regulatory provisions applicable to our activities.


    For the execution of a purchase and sale or service agreement, eventually signed between the website and the user, other data related and/or necessary for its execution may be collected and stored, including the content of any communications with the user.


    The website user has the following rights, conferred by the General Personal Data Protection Law:

    • Confirmation of the existence of treatment;
    • Data access;
    • Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
    • Anonymization, blocking or deletion of data that is unnecessary, excessive or treated in violation of the provisions of the law;
    • Portability of data to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulations of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets;
    • Elimination of personal data processed with the consent of the holder, except in cases provided for by law;
    • Information from public and private entities with which the controller carried out shared use of data;
    • Information about the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of the refusal;
    • Withdrawal of consent.
    • It is important to highlight that, under the terms of the LGPD, there is no right to delete data processed based on legal bases other than consent, unless the data is unnecessary, excessive, or treated in breach of the provisions of the law.


    Holders of personal data processed by us will be able to exercise their rights by sending a message to our PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION OFFICER either by email, form or correspondence. The necessary information is mentioned in the item “HOW TO CONTACT US” of this PRIVACY POLICY.

    To ensure that the user who intends to exercise their rights is, in fact, the holder of the personal data object of the request, we may request documents or other information that may help in their correct identification, in order to safeguard our rights and the rights of third parties. This will only be done, however, if absolutely necessary, and the applicant will be provided with all related information.


    We employ technical and administrative measures capable of protecting personal data from unauthorized access and situations of destruction, loss, misplacement or alteration of such data.

    The measures we use take into account the nature of the data, the context and purpose of the treatment, the risks that an eventual violation would generate for the rights and freedoms of the user, the international security norms and the standards currently used by companies similar to ours. Among the security measures adopted by us, we highlight the following:


    • Storing passwords using cryptography;
    • Access restrictions to databases through Firewall;
    • Server access monitoring;
    • Security Certificate (SSL);
    • Monitoring the security level of the passwords we use;
    • Monitoring the security level of our endpoints and devices;
    • Microsoft AZURE Security Tools – Microsoft Defender for SQL;

    We inform you that we follow the highest technical standards of information security, so that we can protect our user’s data.

    Even if we do everything in our power to avoid security incidents, it is possible that a problem occurs exclusively caused by a third party, such as in the case of attacks by hackers or crackers or, even, in cases of exclusive responsibility of the user, which occurs, for example, when he himself transfers his data to a third party. Thus, although we are, in general, responsible for the personal data we process, we exempt ourselves from responsibility in the event of an exceptional situation such as these, over which we have no control.

    In any case, if any type of security incident occurs that could generate risk or relevant damage to any of our users, we will notify those affected and the National Data Protection Authority about the incident, in accordance with the provisions of the Law.


    This version of this PRIVACY POLICY was updated and published on 01/01/2022 and has the serial number TSSIG4PP.V1.0122.

    We reserve the right to modify the PRIVACY POLICY at any time, especially to adapt them to changes made to our website, either by making new features available, or by canceling or modifying existing ones.

    Whenever there is a change, our users will be notified of the change.


    This document is governed by and must be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Any disputes must be submitted to the jurisdiction of the district in which the company’s headquarters are located. The Jurisdiction of the Comarca of Belo Horizonte/MG is elected as the competent one to resolve any issues that may arise from this document, with express waiver of any other, however privileged it may be.


    To clarify any doubts about this PRIVACY POLICY or about the personal data we process, please contact our PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION OFFICER, through one of the channels below:

    • Via E-mail:
    • Via telephone: +55 (11) 4003-7958
    • By mail: 86, João Lírio dos Santos St, Belo Horizonte, MG, 31510-400, Brazil

    Thank you for reading this PRIVACY POLICY and TERMS OF USE.

    Logo Sigma4